Hawk Watch Links
Hawk Migration Association of America (HMANA) Related |
Ontario Hawk Watch Sites |
Other Hawk Watch Sites |
Weather forecast |
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HMANA RelatedTop
The main entry location for the Hawk Migration Association of America (HMANA).
Data retrieval and import.
Ontario Hawk Watch SitesTop
This is the only site in the Greater Toronto area where you can view hawks from a cliff vantage point. Often the birds come through at eye‐height.
Holiday Beach hawk watch site on Lake Erie near Windsor.
Other Hawk Watch SitesTop
Locate hawk watch sites on the net.
Hawks and other wildlife in Central Park and New York City. “Pale Male” is here.
Fire Island, New York, hawk watch site. Known as “FIRE” for Fire Island Raptor Enumerators!
Home page for Hawk Watch International. “Conserving raptors and our shared environment.”
Militia Hill hawk watch in Fort Washington State Park is located just north of Philadelphia
North East Hill hawk watch. “Promoting hawk watching and the study of hawk migration throughout New England, eastern New York and northeastern New Jersey.”
Hawk Mountain hawk watch. At Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in east-central Pennsylvania, this is the original hawk watch site. Posts on the home page a daily count of raptors seen.
Current weather conditions, plus a five-day forecast and links to radar, satellite, and weather maps. Click on “Show Details”.
This website gives you “thermal soaring parameters” over Eastern North America displayed on a colour coded outline map. To find the TUV value for the day locate your poisition on the white outline map and read off the predicted TUV.
The map readings are for 1pm EST (2pm EDT) and are made 6, 9 and 21 hours in advance of that time. If you are checking on the same day as you are observing, use the Forecast Map link. In the early morning before 7am, you will get the 9 hour forecast; later in the morning after 7am, you will get the 6 hour forecast. This may explain the morning’s flight, and can be useful for the next day’s prediction. If you are checking in the evening for the next day’s observing, use the First Today link. This will give you the situation for 1pm of the next day (21 hours ahead).
The map looks like this.

In this sample map, all three Hawk Watch sites are in the TUV = 0 range of the map.
Hawks page at Carol Horner’s website.
MRF is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting and directing conservation efforts through the study of animal movements. The website describes research methods and projects, including a Short-eared Owl monitoring program to which several TOC members have contributed.